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The Benefits and Pitfalls of Hero Culture
Most nonprofits have foundational stories. These are usually heartwarming and sometimes heartbreaking stories about people overcoming adversity, challenging prejudice, or battling chronic illness. Organizations often feature these stories on their websites or in...
Exploring Community Collaborations During a Pandemic
Collaboration is often seen by policymakers and community leaders as an answer to complex issues. The word collaboration itself can have multiple meanings and expectations. Common questions include: Are collaborations the answer to implement changes in social...
The Benefits and Pitfalls of Hero Culture, Part II
Before you continue READ Part I of The Benefits and Pitfalls of Hero Culture The fundamental problem with hero culture is that it’s not sustainable. An organization cannot grow beyond the capacity of its heroes. It becomes stymied. Eventually, the pitfalls of hero...
Caregiving: My Personal Journey, Part II
The difficult decision to move my dad into a nursing home was made for me by my siblings. They told my husband and me that we had done enough and there would be no more 24/7 care in our home. Again, we were trying to find a place where my parents could be together;...
Caregiving: My Personal Journey
The challenges, issues, and ethical questions families face as parents age are often difficult to imagine, let alone talk about. Although my generation is always talking amongst ourselves about elderly parents, we often don’t discuss the details, which are...